Press Release


Catania, 24 April 2015. “In the trade balance between Sicily and Russia wins the last one: in the turnover of 3,8 bln euro only 0,4% is due to the export from Sicily that means 17,9 mln euro. There is no doubt that Sicily is an important hub for the Russian suppliers of crude oil, gas and petroleum- refinery products, products that we are most interested in, yet Sicily could export more its products to Russia”. These are the words of the President of Banca Intesa Russia and President of Conoscere Eurasia Association during the opening the 7-th Business Forum in Catania on the commercial relations between Sicily, Italy and Russia. The Forum was attended by approximately 200 accredited companies and firms.

The President of Conoscere Eurasia Association, which organized the event in colaboration with St.Petersburg International Economic Forum together with Banca Intesa Russia and Intesa Sanpaolo, Antonio Fallico says: “Sicily has to increase the quality of the tourist service . Without taking in consideration the first four months of the current year, tourism was the only economic indicator that remained constant in the annus horribilis 2014; according to the National Agency of tourism of Italy in Moscow, there is a growth at 3% if compared to 2013”. According to the Tourism Observatory of the region of Sicily, Russia was the fifth country for a number of tourists staying overnight in the territory of Sicily (data of 2013) with the incidence of 6% that is slightly behind of the United States (6%), Great Britain (7%), Germany (17%) and France (21%).

In general the turnover between Sicily and Russia was reduced by -22,7% in 2014 if compared to 2013 bringing the loss of 1,1 bln euro because of the reduction of gas and oil supplying, while the export from Sicily to Russia without taking tourism into consideration remained almost stable (- 0,9%). The sphere of alimentary and beverage products (6 mln euro, -5,5%) and the sphere of mechanical engineering are in decrease, yet the sphere of chemical substances (1,7 mln, +106%) and base metals (2,3 mln, +529%) increase. The loss in the agroindustrial sphere amounts to -56% registrating the majority of embargo products (232 thousand euro to 530 thousand euro of import).

The South Regional Director of Intesa Sanpaolo Franco Gallia says: “Today’s The meeting is very important because the discussion on the growth and development goes beyond the national borders. Intesa Sanpaolo has been always paying attention to the matters of international development and economic dynamics. There are many companies in Sicily and Southern Italy which are able “to go ahead” but need support and sustain. They represent the entrepreneurship spirit, often young and determinate, every time more widespread in the Sicilian territory. Such important business factors as innovative center of chemistry and pharmaceutics tecnology, electronics and multilevel petrochemical sphere as well as traditional industrial spheres have been representing the Sicilian

entrepreneurship for a long time. The quality of goods and agricultural products and the tourism with a great combination of sea, historical sights and rich gastronimic offers – these are the brands of the Sicilian entrepreneurship. This shows that Sicily has a great potential but there is still some work to do for yield increase, competitiveness and encouragement of economic development”.

Among the other Forum attendants: Mayor of Catania Enzo Bianco; Ambassador of Russia in Italy Sergey Razov; Undersecretary of Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies Giuseppe Castiglione; President of Banca Intesa Russia and Conoscere Eurasia Association Antonio Fallico; Regional Assessor of production activity Linda Vancheri; Regional Director of Campania, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia and Sicily regions of Intesa Sanpaolo Franco Gallia; President of Confederation of small and medium-sized enterprises Palermo Costantino Garaffa; Manager of Foreign Banks department Intesa Sanpaolo Ignacio Jaquotot; Jesuit, Docent of cultural anthropology at Theological faculty in Sicily Giovanni Notari; President of Italian-Russian Chamber of Commerce and President of Center promotion of Italian-Russian relationship Rosario Alessandrello; Partner of Law company “Pavia and Ansaldo” Sergio Forelli; Director of Research center Intesa Sanpaolo Gianluca Salsecci; Director National Agency of Tourism of Italy in Moscow Domenico Di Salvo; Honorary President of Federation of touristic agencies Mario Bevacqua; Vice Director of General Visa Handling Services Italy Beata M. Pluciennik; General Director of Demlink Travel Viktor Kuprin; Regional Assessor in Agriculture Antonino Caleca; Director of Business Area Department of Intesa Sanpaolo Salvatore Parisi; President of Concern in Research of ambient innovative systems Claudio Leto; Coordinator of the Market Informative Services Area of Ismea Patrizio Piozzi; Director Desk Italia Vera Spina; President Etna World Trade Luigi Saitta.

Press Centre of Conoscere Eurasia Association.: interCOM

Benny Lonardi ([email protected]; 334.6049450)
Marina Catenacci ([email protected]; 349.8212419)
Press Centre of Intesa Sanpaolo Centro Sud
Giovanni La Barbera ([email protected]; 335.7438262)

Press release